2 bite is 2 love

hell is a teenage girl

i am just a girl, but my rage can rival hellfire with how fucking angry i get, PURE NAKED SAVAGE CRUEL BLOODY RAGE asking me WHY, WHAT did i do for u to hurt me, why are you such a DICK?!! my tears can fill puddles that bleed into ponds that bleed into rivers that bleed into oceans and oceans of SORROW, VIOLENT FIERCE waves that BOIL FIZZLE FOAM into GRIEF that will soon CONSUME U and SWALLOW U WHOLE!!! i am just a girl- but i get betrayed, my heart BREAKS, and girlhood fucking HURTS!
your WRATH of making me ACHE will be when u find that everything u have ever HATED DESPISED ABHORRED has been a reflection of what u saw of urself in me!!